Weblog of a Christian philosophy student

Weblog of a Christian philosophy student. Please feel free to comment. All of my posts are public domain. Subscribe to posts [Atom]. Email me at countaltair [at] yahoo.com.au. I also run a Chinese to English translation business at www.willfanyi.com.

Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is religion a fairytale that people believe in?

(picture above of the ideas in this article, click on it to see it normal size)

People often object to the idea of a loving God, who happens to be a three-in-one trinity, who became a man to take away our evil (which required His death) because it sounds too much like a story.

But there are reasons for thinking that's not a very good reason to reject Christianity.

Think about this: fundamentally, what is the most basic kind of thing that you can get? What was there first and is the foundation for everything?

Atheists/agnostics say it's inanimate matter - like the chair you could be sitting on.

People who believe in God say that 'mind' is the most basic thing. Before there was inanimate stuff like a table or a chair there was a mind (or 'mind' itself). A 'super-mind', if you will, we call 'God'.

The atheist view has the advantage in that it sounds scientific, and reality can in principle be entirely understood.

The religious view of the world can sometimes look like a story, a tale made up to make sense of the world.

But think about this: if 'mind' is the most foundational 'thing', then how can reality be anything other than an elaborate story? Stories are the stuff of minds; stories are what minds deal in.

Imagine what kind of world would be the case if reality is fundamentally mental. There would be a 'super-mind' at the bottom of it all, who had to exist, who created everything according to (mental) intentions. Sounds like the makings of a story.

So in defense of the storylike view of reality offered by those who believe in God, if mind is at the 'bottom of it all' then this is totally expected. So religion shouldn't be rejected on that basis.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a really interesting argument. Great talking to you yesterday. I like the blog.

Blogger Will G said...

Thanks D.


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